Got Dry Skin???

My first encounter with K. Hall – Barr Co. lotion happened by chance. I was in search of a low water, no mineral/petro, no parabens; aloe and shea butter based lotion. I had the opportunity to sample the Original Scent Shea Butter Lotion at a shoppe located in a shabby cottage on the east coast. I was initially bummed that I couldn’t buy the lotion where I lived.

Thank God for the internet! I’ve been using this lotion ever since! I love the variety of the different fragrances K. Hall offers and the fact I can get it shipped right to my door.

Rustic Country Market Living

Fast Forward to 2024:

We now sell BARR-CO. products at Rustic Country Market.

We aren’t just a market, we are Rustic Country Market Living.

Inspiring Home Life ♥️,