The Relentless RV Redecorator…

After battling numerous problems with our previous RV, we finally got it fixed and then we traded it for a new toy hauler!

Of course, I had to personalize the inside of this RV beyond the manufacturer’s decor. I also “had to” remove the stickers that went over the exterior of the windows so we could fully enjoy our view. That was a fun process!

RV organization is an ongoing process. I’ve added cabinet shelving, light sensitive motion lights at the steps and in the bathroom, and I utilized a lot of storage baskets. I LOVE baskets!

Here’s a few of my decor upgrades:

The “bear” toilet paper holder was a combined effort of the two of us. I hated having to reach into the cabinet to get toilet paper. (That action had unsanitary implications written all over it.) I saw a bear toilet paper holder online and asked my husband if we could make it cheaper than buying it. He built it, I painted it. It holds 3 reserve rolls below the roll. I now “always feel like, somebody’s WATCHING me.”

And yes, that’s an espresso machine & Keurig on the counter. (Don’t judge.) We now have a separate SodaStream for our RV instead of taking ours with us from our house.

Our RV is self contained with a generator, solar, and batteries.

We love to “rough” GLAM camp.

Inspiring Home Life (on the road),

The Relentless Redecorator