Fermenting Peppers for Hot Sauce

I recently started fermenting peppers grown in my garden for hot sauce, so I’m new at this. I have between 25 – 30 peppers in my garden and greenhouse.

Fireworks Pepper: Ornamental hot pepper. Can be eaten.

I was surprised when I loaded some very hot peppers in the batch and the finished product was not as hot as I expected. It seems that the fermentation process mellows out the heat.

When I first started fermenting a new batch on 9/23/23.
Picture taken 9/30/23.

I highly recommend fermentation because it creates a great flavor. It is my understanding that you can ferment for 48 hrs or up to 1 year.

Continue reading “Fermenting Peppers for Hot Sauce”

Factor 75…

It was after 5:30 PM and our Factor 75 box had not arrived at our house. OnTrac showed our box was still out for delivery. I ended up calling OnTrac to get a status on our delivery because it was going to get dark outside soon. I had to turn the porch light on so they could find us. Our first box of Factor 75 meals was finally delivered by OnTrac at 7:11 PM.

Package Arrived

The contents were well insulated. Factor 75 packed the food with 3 ice packs. The gel in the ice packs are nontoxic, but not biodegradable.

Unlike other meal services we’ve tried, each Factor 75 meal is cooked from scratch by their chefs. Our first order included 2 – Smoked Pulled Pork, 2- Lemon Rosemary Chicken Breasts and 2- Spicy Turkey Poblano Bowls.

The Smoked Pulled Pork was extremely tasty. The meat was lean. It included Carnitas Style Pork, Chili Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Corn.

My husband really enjoyed the Spicy Turkey Poblano Bowl included Spicy Turkey, Green Beans and Sour Cream.

The Lemon Rosemary Chicken was very flavorful. It included Chicken, Cauliflower Rice and Carrots. There were no leftovers, but the portion size was filling.

One might compare Factor 75 to frozen box food, but it is fresh, not frozen. The meals taste like a home cooked meal and/or high quality restaurant food.

Every meal is free of gluten, soy, hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives. All meats are pasture-raised and grass-fed and their produce is organic.

Source: Factor 75 WebsitE FAQs

Until next time…

Inspiring Home Life,

Inspiring Home Life,


Blend Jet…

When I first saw a Blend Jet ad pop up on my FB feed, I thought, “Now that’s a clever idea – a mobile, mini blender!” I’m interested!

I normally don’t click on pop up ads, but this one stood out. According to the Blend Jet website, the founders created BlendJet One because we wanted a convenient way to make fresh smoothies, shakes, margaritas, & baby food on the go.

My FB post to my friends after I ordered my first Blend Jet?

I have a 2 hr commute from work to home. I have a USB in my car. How many margaritas can I make? 🤣 JK

Of course I was joking, but I have to admit the mobility was really appealing to me. Blend Jet offered free 2 day shipping on all orders. I ordered one and it arrived as promised. I LOVE that it’s portable.

I loved it so much, I ordered another one for our RV and one for a gift. Both arrived on time as promised.

Until next time…

Inspiring Home Life,


Time to find another meal kit company?

After nearly 2 years and a Sun Basket VIP membership; I’m back to the drawing board (or should I say cutting board?) in search of a new meal kit service company that will deliver despite Arizona’s extreme temperatures. If you want to know why I’m no longer getting Sun Basket delivered, read my previous post. https://rusticcountrymarket.com/why-i-suspended-my-sun-basket

I’ve received invites from the following companies:

  • Gobble: They do the food prep work. You cook.
  • Hello Fresh: Promise Simplicity.
  • Purple Carrot: Plant based meals.
  • Freshly: They cook and deliver the meals. You heat them up.
  • Home Chef: Already tried them.
  • Green Chef: Sorry, didn’t really like them the first time.

Factor 75?

And then I happened upon Factor 75. Their meals are precooked. They offer Keto, Paleo, low carb, gluten free, dairy free, and spicy meals. All Factor 75 meals are free of gluten, soy, hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives. All their meats are pasture-raised and grass-fed and their produce is organic. Their emphasis is nutrition, and healthy living. They even offer nutrition coaching. They are based out of Illinois.

After reading up on them, I was pretty excited to give them a try. My only disappointment is that they use OnTrac as a deliver provider. Historically, they do not deliver on time, if at all. I put delivery directions on my order, so we shall see if our food arrives. If not, I’ll be calling Factor 75’s customer service.

Stay tuned: I’ll let you know what we think of their meals!

Until then…

Inspiring Home Life,