I’ve been a loyal Sun Basket customer since Nov. 2017. I was even a part of their VIP Membership. In the past, I’ve received my meals despite extreme Arizona weather. Since Sun Basket changed their terms of service on 7/22/19, I’ve had several deliveries cancelled by Sun Basket (4 to be exact).

Turns out, for me to continue receiving Sun Basket despite extreme temperatures, I have to sign an extreme temperature waiver, IE: RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. This waiver releases Sun Basket from liabilities due to delivering food products during severe heat conditions. No where does the release define what “severe heat conditions” are. This ambiguity leaves this release open to Sun Basket’s determination.
As per Sun Basket’s current Terms of Service: “Each Sun Basket box utilizes carefully engineered packaging to sustain freshness even after our Delivery arrives on your doorstep. Our packages are designed to keep food products fresh if unopened and left at room temperature (i.e., 78 degrees Fahrenheit) through midnight of the delivery date.”
I translate these terms as: Sun Basket won’t deliver if the temperature is over 78° outside. That pretty much eliminates Arizona from getting Sun Basket, unless I sign their extreme heat waiver, because we usually have HOT weather here in Arizona!
I notified Sun Basket that it’s time for me to part ways with them. I let them know that I’ve really enjoyed their recipes and hate to let them go, but this extreme heat inconvenience forces me to do so. If Sun Basket can’t package my box to survive Arizona heat, I requested they cancel my account.
Contrary to reports that Sun Basket is hard to cancel, I immediately received notice that my Sun Basket account was cancelled.
The following day Sun Basket called me regrading my feedback I sent them. They assured me they monitor the weather and add extra ice during extreme heat, but they can not guarantee my shipment will arrive fresh during extreme weather, thus the waiver. They offered to pause my account until the 2nd week of December, instead of cancelling it, and they added 3 – $20 credits to apply to 3 future weeks orders when I resume delivery.
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