Leader, Follower, or Free Spirit?

I’ve lived thru a few home decor trends. Finishes have now transitioned to matte gold and brass fixtures in new and remodeled homes; a color pallet I practically eliminated from my decor years ago. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I could revisit that look, but surprisingly, I managed to splash a little bit into my home. Being eclectic has it’s benefits.

I’ve also noticed a mix of finishes in homes, instead of everything matching. Now this trend I can live with. Another trend coming back is wallpaper. I’ve steamed wallpaper off, hung wallpaper up, steamed it off, and now it’s back again. Pass! I’d rather use paint (color), borders, stencils, collages, or decorative vignettes (a grouping of things).

Not that long ago, I read some decorating articles reporting decor saturation for several of today’s popular decor looks. Who decided this? Marketing and sales?

Can I be frank?

In order for retail decor sales to perpetuate, decorators and designers need change to happen to keep revenue flowing. That said, retailers, decorators and designers will (out of necessity) push out the “old” to make way for a “new” look hoping to maintain positive cash flow. This reasoning can apply to any type of new “trend” or “fad” that hits the marketplace. Kind of like sale racks you see in your favorite clothing store.

What about you?

Do you love to be part of leading the latest decor trends? Do you find yourself compelled to follow the latest decor trends spending money to keep up with the latest looks? Or are you committed to your individual creativity? Do you allow new trends to inspire you to refresh your current decor or completely overhaul it?

I believe some decor trends go through cycles, repeating variations of previous trends. A run down area getting revived might bring a fresh look to an old style. From restoring old homes and business store fronts, to renovating industrial areas and reviving communities. There’s always somewhere, someplace getting a new look.

I’ve noticed our economy proceeding times of war, natural disasters, pandemics, etc. can impact decor. The size of a home or lot size might increase or decrease, materials used may vary due to availability, population growth might influence home size, etc.

Eclectic Free Spirit…

I tend to follow the way of an eclectic free spirit when it comes to decorating. I like to observe the latest decor trends; however, I tend to decorate based more on my likes, my values, and my lifestyle. I prefer to create theme decorated rooms vs. the entire house looking one particular decor style.

I love to create interior and exterior living-spaces. I find color inspiration when I’m looking at my coffee, trees, flowers, birds, the sky, water, sand, rocks, wood, brick, rusty metal; the list goes on.

I love repurposing materials.

So, what inspires you?

Are you a leader, follower, or free spirit?

Until next time…

Inspiring Home Life,


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